laminine health

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Adrian Mathews - (503) 353-8968 - Email - Site Map - Company Site

Lifepharm Global Products

Cellnergy Power Cream
Ally in Com-batting
Degenerative Disorders

lpgn cellnergy wellness power cream

laminine cellenergy wellness wand
Cellnergy Wellness Blower



laminine immune plus


eXtrim Shape+

OMNIA Skin Health
lifepharm global lamiderm
Apex Lamiderm

Frequently Asked Questions Scientific Advisory Board - LPGN Executive Leadership Team

Laminine, Omnia, and Lamiderm Apex have been designed to revitalize, repair, rejuvenate, restore, replenish and regenerate skin cells from the inside out and the outside in.

Our products are made in the U.S.A and clinically tested in NSF, GMP and FDA approved facilities. The following peer-reviewed publications and presentations demonstrate each of our nutritionals benefits and credibility:

Dermatest Research Institute and Dr. Shah Clinic is: Wellness Medical Clinic & Thyroid Treatment Center

2015-PDR - 2016 PDR, and 2017-PDR

Dedicated research, product potency and safety I have found that LifePharm is committed to providing its Independent Business Owners and customers with products of only the highest quality, made with the most potent and safely sourced ingredients.
Product Research Information

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Copyright 2011-2024 - Adrian Mathews a Independent Lifepharm® Distributor

This is an Independent Lifepharm Global© Consultant Website and NOT a Company website.
All information and opinions expressed on this site are that of the consultant and not endorsed by the company.
No income is guaranteed or implied as an Independent Consultant.
Laminine® is not intended to prevent or cure any disease, illness, or condition.
If you have concerns please consult your physician. Laminine® is a Registered Trademark of Lifepharm Global ©